touch screen laptop
PC Guides

5 Reasons Why You Need A Touch Screen Laptop

After the invention of the first hand-driven touch screen by E.A. Johnson in 1965, touch screens have evolved many-a-mile. They are no longer the future technology.

With touch screen laptops costing 40% lesser than what they were priced at last year and the costs of netbooks more than halved touch screen laptops and desktops are now everywhere. In this article we discuss the many ways in which these touch screen laptops are beneficial and why you should prefer them.

Also See : Touch Screen Technology: The Present And Future Touch Screens


 touch screen laptop , touch screen laptop ,  touch screen laptop

These Reasons Tell You Why You Need A Touch Screen Laptop:

1.) The Interaction Part:

We interact a lot with our computers everyday to get things done. Be it typing a document, playing a game or surfing the Internet whatever the task, we need to constantly provide inputs.

While the Keyboard and Mouse are a lot handy a touch screen is not their substitute. It is an add-on (a complement) which makes your computer experience faster, easier and much interesting.

2.) The Windows 8 Concept:

If you are using the Windows 8 operating systems on your non-touch screen computers… You really are killing the deal.!! The entire Windows 8 OS was precisely designed keeping touch screen computing in mind.

So until you have a touch screen computer you are experiencing something different than what Bill Gates has in store for you.

3.)No More Price Issues:

Though the touch screen laptops and desktops were initially priced over the horizon, now the companies have dropped down their prices hugely. The cheapest 15.6” laptop in the early 2013 was priced at around $600 and now you only have to afford some $300 to buy one.

It amount to a staggering 45% drop. So is the case with the Netbooks. These 11” and 12” laptops faced direct competition with the 7” and 9” tablets. So you can surely find the cheapest touch screen laptops in this size.

4.) No Need To Remember Shortcuts:

Reaching out for the mouse every now-and-then could be a little inconvenient. Shortcuts are a good solution to people who do a lot of typing and are familiar with a lot of shortcuts.

But for newbies it’s not that easy to memorize all those chunks of shortcuts instantly. So you wont have to worry, the touch screens will help you a lot!

5.)The World Has Already Gone Touch Screen Where Are You?

Touch screens have found applications in many applications because of their speed and ease of usage. A whole lot of new touch screen laptops are being unveiled by the manufacturers, which are going to be released in the coming months.

There is no better proof than that to show you what you are missing out on if you prefer non-touch screen laptops.

If you have heard about it, it’s true that Apple are against the complete idea of touch screen technologies. Some people among us are also afraid of the touch screens leaving fingerprints and bubbles on the screen.

Whatever one feels touch screens are today’s and tomorrow’s technology and you have to decide whether to adopt it or be left out.

Also See: Best Touch Screen Monitors For Your Desktop Computers

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