Notepad Tricks Security

An Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus – Ultimate Tech DIY

Most of us use some famous antivirus like AVG, Avast etc. The main function of any antivirus is to detect and remove the unwanted or harmful files which may slow down your systems.

Here is a small trick which helps you make your own antivirus. This antivirus scans your whole computer by using command prompt and removes all the harmful or unwanted files from your system.

How Your Computer Is Infected Even If Your Antivirus Software Works Fine

In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works and

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Steps To Make Your Own Antivirus:

Step 1: Open A New Text Document and Copy-paste the below code:

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :


@echo off
title OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo created by your name
IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected
IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean
cd C:Windowssystem32
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!

(If This Is Not Working Then Try This code)

@echo off
color cb
title OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo ===============
echo [ Batch-Master]
echo ===============
echo If There's no message ,You are protected.
set /p a=Enter a batch file to scan:
for /f %%x in (
'findstr /i /m "virus r.i.p byebye HaHaHa Hacked Hack" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%x equ %a%.bat (
for /f %%z in (
'findstr /i /b /m "tskill del copy shutdown ipconfig ren reg" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%z equ %a%.bat (
echo Virus Was Detected!!
del %a%.bat
echo %a%.bat was deleted by OnlineCmag antivirus....
pause >nul
pause >nul

Step 2: Save this code as ” OnlineCmag.bat ” . Here ” .bat ” extension is must .

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

=>Set the Save as type : All Files

=>Encoding : ANSI

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

Step 3: Execute The Saved File :

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

=>Enter The batch file name To Scan .

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :


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