Notepad Tricks Security

Easy Way To Create A Memory Eating Virus – Just For Fun

Today we are going to teach you one of the easiest ways of creating a virus – with notepad. Yes, simply using your notepad you can perform this awesome trick.

In this article we will show you the process to create a virus that eats up the computer memory i.e Memory Eating Virus. And note that this trick is purely only for educational purpose and OnlineCmag is not responsible for any mishaps in your computer.

Steps To Create A Memory Eating Virus

Step 1 : Creating Two New Text Documents

First of all open a folder in which you would want to create this simple virus . Within it create 2 new text documents in it as shown below .

Easy Way to Create a Memory Eating Virus , Hello Viewers , Today we are going to teach you an easiest way of creating a virus . In this article we will show you the process to create a virus that eats up the computer memory

Step 2 : Customize The First Notepad

Easy Way to Create a Memory Eating Virus

Open the first notepad and type ” OnlineCmag.bat ” and save it as ” Ocm.bat ” . ( .Bat extension is must )

Easy Way to Create a Memory Eating Virus , Hello Viewers , Today we are going to teach you an easiest way of creating a virus . In this article we will show you the process to create a virus that eats up the computer memory

Easy Way to Create a Memory Eating Virus

Step 3 : Customize The Second Notepad

Hello Viewers , Today we are going to teach you an easiest way of creating a virus . In this article we will show you the process to create a virus that eats up the computer memory

Now open the second notepad and type ” Ocm.bat ” and save it as ” OnlineCmag.bat ” .

Hello Viewers , Today we are going to teach you an easiest way of creating a virus . In this article we will show you the process to create a virus that eats up the computer memory


Step 4 : Open any one of these files

Now just Double Click on any one of the saved files . That’s It , Now this virus will start eating up the computer memory. As simple as that.

Notepad Tricks

How To Create Your Own Computer Clock Using Notepad

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick which lets you to create your own Computer Clock with date and time . You can customize the given code by changing the title and also color .

Steps To Create Your Own Computer Clock Using Notepad :

Step 1 : Open Notepad :

Go to your Desktop , Then Right click the mouse button and select Text Document option . ( Or Press ” Windows + R ” And Type Notepad)

Step 2 : Copy – Paste :

Now just copy the below given code and paste it into your Notepad.

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick which lets you to create your own Computer Clock with date and time . You can customize the given code by changing the title and also color .

Code :

@echo off
Title OnlineCmag-Clock
color b
: Clock
echo Current Date: %date%
echo ............. 
echo .............
echo Current Time: %time%
goto Clock

Step 3 : Save the File :

Now Save this file with a ” .bat ” extension i.e something like ” OnlineCmag-Clock.bat ” . Select the file type as ” All Files ” and encoding To ” ANSI ”  .

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick which lets you to create your own Computer Clock with date and time . You can customize the given code by changing the title and also color .

Step 4 : Run the file:

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick which lets you to create your own Computer Clock with date and time . You can customize the given code by changing the title and also color .

Open the file by just double clicking on it. Now you can see that it shows both date and time .

I hope you all liked it . The final output will be as below …

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick which lets you to create your own computer Clock with date and time . You can customize the g...

Notepad Tricks PC Hacks

Easy Way To Format Your Hard Disk By Using Your Notepad !!

Have You Ever thought of a way to format your hard disk by just using your notepad ? The most common answer is NO . Don’t Worry, In this article we are going to show you an easy way to format your drive ( You can only format the primary drives ) by just using your notepad. Be very cautious while using this trick .It would be better if you use this trick in a ” VMWare Machine ”  .

Steps To Format Your Hard Disk :

Step 1 : Open A New Text Document :

Click on the Start menu and Navigate to All Programs=>Accessories =>Notepad Or You can even Do it by just typing notepad in Run dialog box.

Step 2 :Copy-Paste :

Copy and Paste the below given code on to your Text Document .

Easy Way To Format Your Hard Disk By Using Your Notepad !! , Have You Ever thought of a way to format your hard disk by just using your notepad ? The most common answer is NO . Don't Worry, In this article we are ...

Code :

To Format C Drive : c:\

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100

To Format D Drive : d:\

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011001000011101001011100

Step 3 : Save Your File :

Now save this file with a ” .exe ” extension i.e something like ” OnlineCmag.exe ” .

Easy Way To Format Your Hard Disk By Using Your Notepad !!, Have You Ever thought of a way to format your hard disk by just using your notepad ? The most common answer is NO . Don't Worry, In this article we are ...

Step 4 : Execute the file :

Easy Way To Format Your Hard Disk By Using Your Notepad !! , Have You Ever thought of a way to format your hard disk by just using your notepad ? The most common answer is NO . Don't Worry, In this article we are ...

That’s It , Now Run the file by just double-clicking on it and your ” C: drive ” (Primary drive ) will be formatted .

NOTE : You can’t Format you C: drive (Primary Drive ) If It contains the Operating system .

Notepad Tricks PC Hacks

How To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer By Using Notepad

Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Shutdown Timer by using a notepad. You can even do this by using your html editor . Follow the below given Steps and have fun .

Steps To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer:

Step 1 : Open New Text Document :

Right click on your desktop and select the ” create a new text document ” option or just simply Open a Notepad.

Step 2 : Copy-Paste :

Copy and paste the below given code on to the notepad .

How To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer By Using Notepad

Code :

@echo off
title Shutdown timer
color 07
echo Type in an amount of time (Seconds)
set /p time=
color 07
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
set /a time=%time%-1
echo %time%
if %time% EQU 0 goto Timesup
goto loop
title Time Is Up!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
color 07
echo You have only 20 seconds before Windows Will shut down!
ping localhost -n 20 >nul
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
goto Shutdown
color 70
echo Your Windows is now shutting down! Bye Bye Friend
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
start C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -s

Step 3 : Save The File :

How To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer By Using Notepad

Save this Text document As ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , but make sure that the file type is selected as ” All files ” and saved with ” .bat” extension . Set the Encoding To ” ANSI ” .

Step 4 : Run The File :

How To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer By Using Notepad

Just double click on the saved File To Execute . Now you will be asked to set the timer for shutdown .

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How To Create A Simple Shutdown Timer By Using Notepad *

It’s easy isn’t it? Do try it yourself and don’t forget to share it with your friends on facebook, twitter and google+…..


Notepad Tricks PC Hacks

How To Create Your Own Countdown Timer Using Notepad

Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Countdown Timer program by using a simple text editor (Like notepad or notepad++ ) . Follow the steps below and have fun .

Steps To Create A Countdown Timer :

Step 1 : Open A New Text Document :

Right click on the desktop and select create a new text document option or just simply Open a Notepad.

Step 2 : Copy And Paste The Below Code :

Copy the below given code and Paste it on your notepad document .

How To Create Your Own Countdown Timer Using Notepad

Code :

@echo off
title OnlineCmag-Timer
color 07
echo Type in an amount of time (i.e Seconds)
set /p time=
color 07
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
set /a time=%time%-1
echo %time%
if %time% EQU 0 goto Timesup
goto loop
title Time Is Up!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
echo The Time is up! :-P
echo Thanks for using our Application.
goto Web
goto Exit
goto Exit

Step 3 : Save The File :

How To Create Your Own Countdown Timer Using Notepad , Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Countdown Timer program by using a simple text editor (Like notepad or notepad++ ) . Follow ..

Save this Notepad file As ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , but make sure that the file type is selected as ” All files ” and saved with ” .bat ” extension . Set the encoding to ” ANSI ” .

Step 4 : Execute The Saved File : 

How To Create Your Own Countdown Timer Using Notepad , Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Countdown Timer program by using a simple text editor (Like notepad or notepad++ ) . Follow ..

Now Run the file by just double clicking on the it . You will be asked to set the timer (In seconds ) .

That’s It . Share Your views or Doubts in form of comments…

Notepad Tricks

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages

Today we are going to show you an interesting notepad trick Which lets you to Repeat your messages Constantly. By using this trick you can annoy your friends or anyone and can actually insist them to shutdown or log off their computers . Actually the code given below Generates an infinite cycle of messages in their computer , Which can’t be stopped . Follow the steps to annoy people by constantly repeating messages.

Step To Create A Program Which Generates Constantly Repeating Messages :

Step 1 : Open Notepad :

Click on your Start menu and Navigate to ” All Programs=>Accessories =>Notepad ” Or You can even Do it by typing notepad in your Run dialog box.

Step 2 : Copy And Paste :

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages

Copy and paste the below given code to your notepad . Here you can change the messages by changing the code ” msg * Your message here ” .

Code :

@ECHO off
msg * Hi Friend
msg * This system is designed by OnlineCmag
msg * Do you Like It ?
msg * Lets have some fun !
msg * Try To Close Me :-P

Step 3 : Save The File :

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages

Save that notepad with a ” .bat ” extension i.e Something like ” OnlineCmag.bat ” . Set the save as type to ” All Files ” And the encoding to ” ANSI ” .

Step 4 : Execute That File :

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages

Just open by file by double clicking on it and Have Fun .


Steps To Stop This Constantly Repeating Messages :

Step 1 : Right-Click on that File and select Edit Option .

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages


Step 2 : Delete The Code :

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages


Step 3 : Save The File Again :

Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages


That’s It. Now the code will run another loop and stops . I hope you all liked this trick , share your doubts in comments …

Notepad Tricks Security

An Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus – Ultimate Tech DIY

Most of us use some famous antivirus like AVG, Avast etc. The main function of any antivirus is to detect and remove the unwanted or harmful files which may slow down your systems.

Here is a small trick which helps you make your own antivirus. This antivirus scans your whole computer by using command prompt and removes all the harmful or unwanted files from your system.

How Your Computer Is Infected Even If Your Antivirus Software Works Fine

In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works and

Read More

Steps To Make Your Own Antivirus:

Step 1: Open A New Text Document and Copy-paste the below code:

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :


@echo off
title OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo created by your name
IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected
IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean
cd C:Windowssystem32
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!

(If This Is Not Working Then Try This code)

@echo off
color cb
title OnlineCmag Antivirus
echo ===============
echo [ Batch-Master]
echo ===============
echo If There's no message ,You are protected.
set /p a=Enter a batch file to scan:
for /f %%x in (
'findstr /i /m "virus r.i.p byebye HaHaHa Hacked Hack" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%x equ %a%.bat (
for /f %%z in (
'findstr /i /b /m "tskill del copy shutdown ipconfig ren reg" %a%.bat'
) do (
if /i %%z equ %a%.bat (
echo Virus Was Detected!!
del %a%.bat
echo %a%.bat was deleted by OnlineCmag antivirus....
pause >nul
pause >nul

Step 2: Save this code as ” OnlineCmag.bat ” . Here ” .bat ” extension is must .

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

=>Set the Save as type : All Files

=>Encoding : ANSI

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

Step 3: Execute The Saved File :

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :

=>Enter The batch file name To Scan .

Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus :


I Hope You All Liked It. Share your views in comments…..

Notepad Tricks

Easy Way To Make A Scrolling Text Banner Using Your Notepad

Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Scrolling text banner by using notepad. You can even do this by using your html editor . Follow the steps below and have fun .

Steps To Create Your Own Scrolling Text Banner :

Step 1 : Open Notepad :

Click on your Start menu and Navigate to All Programs=>Accessories =>Notepad. You can even Do it by just typing notepad in your Run dialog box.

Step 2 : Copy-Paste :

Easy Way To Make A Scrolling Text Banner Using Your Notepad , Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Scrolling text banner by using notepad. You can even do this by using your html editor .....

Code :

<marquee><scrollammount=8><font color=blue><font size=14></marquee></font>

Replace ” ” With the text you wanted . You can change the font size and also color .

Step 3 : Save It :

Easy Way To Make A Scrolling Text Banner Using Your Notepad , Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Scrolling text banner by using notepad. You can even do this by using your html editor .....

Go to the File Menu and select the ” Save As ” option . Save the file with a ”  .html ” Extension i.e like ” OnlineCmag.html ” . Set the File type as ” All Files ” and Encoding as ” ANSI “.

Step 4 : Run The File :

Easy Way To Make A Scrolling Text Banner Using Your Notepad , Today we are going to show you an easy way to create your own Scrolling text banner by using notepad. You can even do this by using your html editor .....

To Run the file just double-Click on it . This Application will run only on browsers .

Easy Way To Make A Scrolling Text Banner Using Your Notepad

I hope You All Liked It….