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Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cyber Crime & Hacks
Top 10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cyber Crime & HacksOctober 13, 2024SecurityFrom the start of the 21st century, the world has been experiencing a lot of changes. These changes have been faster and faster in the computer technology. While most of these changes are improving lives, there are some which are aimed at us with evil means. In this article, we walk you through all the different measures you need to take to keep your online life safe and control cyber crime. Here Are A Few Steps To Control Cyber Crime: 1.)    Turn on your Firewall: Most of the security software these days have the feature of ‘Firewall’. Simply turning on the firewall is going to help you a lot. Even don’t hesitate to turn on the firewall of your router. Remember it’s not being over-cautious it is being secure. It certainly helps to control cyber crime. Network Security 101: The Evolution of Different Firewall Types Firewalls have gone through a lot changes in the past. In this article, we show you the evolution of different firewall types which focus on the security of Read More 2.)    Use an antivirus software: Always ensure you have good and adequate anti-virus software for your computer.  The definition of viruses and bugs changes very often with people trying new ways to attack your computer. So updating your antivirus software is equally important. Don’t forget to update your antivirus once every week. 6 Different Types Of Computer Viruses You Need To Be Careful About To understand viruses is a very important step in protecting yourself. In this article we present to you the different types of computer viruses present and Read More 3.)    Online Shopping websites: Do you like online shopping? I just love it. In fact, I do a lot of my shopping online. If you like online shopping as well, take care of the websites you are shopping at. I recommend you to shop only at secure websites. Every secure Online Shopping website has a Trusted or VeriSign seal. Do put in some time to look if the website you want to shop at has these seals. 4.)    Don’t give away  your Credit Card details: Never give away your personal details to websites you feel suspicious. Sharing your credit card information on the internet with people you don’t know will drag you into trouble. Be careful about where you use your credit cards information. 5.)     Set up strong passwords: Always set strong passwords for all your accounts. This could be the easiest way to avoid any major attacks. Make sure the passwords you set are not normal and difficult to guess. Include both numerical and letters in your passwords. Never use words that are very easy to guess – like your name. Tech Trendz: 5 Technologies Fast Replacing Passwords The best part is that these technologies are concentrating on replacing passwords with what we can consider truly unique, i.e our own Read More 6.)     Turn on your spam blocker: Most internet providers provide a spam blocking feature to prevent unwanted messages such as fraudulent E-mails and phishing emails from getting to your inbox. 7.)      By encrypting important data: Encrypt important data you don’t want to be compromised. Use of encryption software, ” garbles ” your data to make it unintelligible to anyone who tries to hack into your computer system. How To Encrypt Your PC By Using Bitlocker – Stay Safe One of the most powerful tools that we have today is computers. PCs, like it or not, are present in our daily life and come with several threats. So encrypt(lock) your PC Read More 8.)    Secure your personal information: Be wary of providing personal information via a website you know nothing about, especially those that ask for your name, mailing address, bank account numbers or any social security number. Computer Security: How To Stay Hidden In A Computer Network Whenever you surf the Internet, leave a piece of information that can track your activities. All this information. Here’s how you can actually avoid Read More 9.)   Beware of online scams: Avoid getting taken in by common scams. These include foreign lotteries, on-line job frauds, phony sweepstakes and similar methods are used by cybercriminals to get your personal information and money. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. How To Detect Scams, Phishing, Bots, Spam, etc? Detect Scams easily. If you receive an email from a stranger or forwarded from a friend that seems too good to be true, what would you do? But how you can be sure? Is it really a scam? Read More 10.) Child Security: Monitor the online activities of your children. Make sure they only have access to computers located in central areas of your home and regularly check all browsers and email activity. Parental control software can help you limit the types of sites the user can gain access to. Easy Way to Block Adult Sites And Content from Your Kids There are various methods for block adult sites, Which includes modifying Parental Controls on Mac and Windows computers or even by using some browser add. Read More Your Thoughts These little measures help you to a great extent to control cyber crime…. But if you feel you are hacked, don’t delay and check out this ‘article‘ to confirm and learn how to fight against it with our article on – What to do if your computer gets hacked. [...]
Malware Is Malicious Software And Here’s Everything About It
Malware Is Malicious Software And Here’s Everything About ItOctober 7, 2024SecurityFor any average internet user, it may be difficult to protect the computer from all the unwanted, uninvited and potentially havoc causing software. One reason for this could be due to sheer ignorance of the entire ‘malicious software’ concepts. In this article, we help you understand and fight any such malware that targets your PC and thus make your internet life safe and secure. How To Encrypt Your PC By Using Bitlocker – PC Security Tips One of the most powerful tools that we have today is PCs. Computers, like it or not, are present everywhere and you need to Encrypt(lock) Your PC. Read More The Malicious Software: Malware Malware is the more common usage of the term ‘malicious software’ and is the broad term which describes all the virus, spyware and almost every such term which signifies some sort of threat to your computer. So whatever the form or name it may take, simply, it is a program which is designed to create some havoc on your PC. This software usually gets installed on your computer, is hard to find, and often benefits third parties. It includes putting your security and computers resources at risk. Here are all the different types of malware.   Types of Malware You’d Come Across Some of the most common classes of malware based on the method of infection include: Virus- The Self-Replicating Program Any program which can replicate itself, often undetected, and has the ability to spread to other computers is called a virus. Whenever the user runs these so-called ‘infected programs’, the virus runs along with the intended program and makes copies of itself on other files as well. 6 Different Types Of Computer Viruses You Need To Be Careful About To understand viruses is a very important step in protecting yourself. In this article we present to you the different types of computer viruses present and Read More They can be programmed to do anything by the virus developer (cheeky or serious). They can erase all your hard drive data, send spam through your computers, eat up all your computer’s memory and or simple as display a “hello” message every now and then. Worms – Almost Similar To Viruses Worms are similar to the computer viruses in behavior patterns, although they don’t need to be specifically run to replicate. Once they are into a computer, all they do is create copies of themselves in all the drives and the entire network. These choke up network resources like bandwidth and in individual computers take a lot of hard drive space. Also because they run in the background continuously, decrease in the speed of your computer is quite evident. They are not so powerful like viruses and can’t affect data present in files, but reproduce again and again at the expense of the computer resources. Trojans – The Deceiving and Destructive Software Trojan Horses are programs which conceal malicious code but on the outside deceive us to be useful software. Though initially, they deliver what’s expected but sooner or later they prove to be quite destructive. Unlike viruses, these programs don’t replicate but open a backdoor to your system thus making your computer more vulnerable. Hence are considered much more serious than viruses. Typically Trojan horses enter computers through e-mails, or through downloading services like games or music or other software. It also spreads when sharing such malicious software with unaffected computers. How To Detect Scams, Phishing, Bots, Spam, etc. ? Detect Scams on PC, If you receive an email from a stranger or forwarded from a friend that seems too good to be true. But how can you be sure? Scams & bots Read More Your Thoughts These are how a malware can be classified into based on its infection method. Please provide your views and suggestions in the comments section below. We love feedback! [...]
How Can You Protect Your Business Against Social Engineering Hacks?
How Can You Protect Your Business Against Social Engineering Hacks?August 29, 2024SecurityHave you heard of social engineering hacks? Do you know what consequences these can have for your business? Do you know how to prevent it? When we talk about social engineering, really we talk about persuasion, the ability to rely on the goodwill and the carelessness of the victim. What’s your objective? Information: passwords, bank accounts, or any private information that might be of interest. Sometimes this information is used to perform other more sophisticated attacks and on other occasions sold to the highest bidder. How do they do Social Engineering Hacks? Usually impersonating a responsible person or known company, to gain the trust of victims. The media that is used to persuade often vary. It can be a site visit or a phone call, here’s one of the case: But also they use email, social networks or even SMS. Usually quite common when we surf the web pages and some sort of pop-up as alleged legitimate requests start of the session or even alert us to do something to click on a link. How to protect my business against these Social Engineering Hacks? To protect yourself from these; techniques, training, and awareness is a key to distinguish these types of messages piece. The example of a marketing and design of posters, which undergoes a social engineering attack shown in the following video. This SME entrepreneur explains how cyber criminals, email impersonating the identity of its external maintenance, manage to gain the credentials of your accounting program. This had serious economic consequences for small business. What do you think? Have you taken note of the measures taken to tackle the problem? And the most important thing is to make sure it does not happen again? His vision has been strategic, with the adoption of a Security Master Plan, which goes far beyond a mere internal plan of awareness and training, but will undoubtedly be much more effective in protecting their main asset: the information. Some good practices to raise awareness and train personnel safety, some specific measures for this type of social engineering attacks: Do not open emails from unknown users or you have not requested: delete them directly. Don’t answer in the case of any suspicious messages. Be cautious when following links in emails, SMS, Whatsapp messaging or social networks, whether known or unknown contacts. Be cautious when downloading attachments from emails, SMS, Whatsapp messaging or social networks. Always have updated operating system and antivirus. In the case of antivirus keep it active. Security Check the Web page where you enter personal data. They must use safety certificate and use the HTTPS protocol. Check the security of public wireless networks that you connect. If in doubt, do not share confidential information or enter user credentials or passwords that can be stolen. Type the URL manually, rather than using the links of suspicious messages. But let us insist you if you have not heard: The main way to protect yourself from social engineering hacks is awareness and training! Protect your company! Your Thoughts Was this information useful? Please express your views on this subject in the comments section below. We love feedback! [...]

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How To Create A Simple Animation Using Notepad
How To Create A Simple Animation Using NotepadSeptember 30, 2024Notepad TricksHello Viewers, Today we are going to show you a very interesting notepad trick to make your own animations. Have you ever tried to design your own animation files? If not then start it know. Follow the steps below to create a simple animation. Steps For Designing A Simple Animation Using Notepad: Step 1: Open A New Text Document Right-click on the desktop and select ” create a new text document ” option or just simply Open a New Text Document. Step 2: Copy-Paste Copy the code given below on to your notepad carefully. Click Here To Download The Codes. Note: This download contains 3 Animations: Bouncing Ball Animation Included. Step 3: Save The Text File Now Save the file with a ” .bat ” extension i.e something like ” OnlineCmag.bat ”. Select the file type as ” All Files ” and encoding To ” ANSI ”. Step 4: Run The File Execute the file by just double clicking on it. If everything goes well you may see the following out puts. You May Also Like Notepad Trick To Annoy people by Constantly Repeating Messages Ghost keyboard Typing | Make Your Notepad type Automatically Easy Way To Create A Harmless Funny Virus with Notepad How to Change Admin Password by Batch Programming [...]
All The Various Factors That Affect Your Computer Speed
All The Various Factors That Affect Your Computer SpeedSeptember 10, 2024System PerformanceIt’s not just about how fast your processor is or the gigs of RAM; the computer speed depends on the entire hardware with which your computer is built. And it all comes down to how fast all the hardware exchange information amongst them and perform their tasks. So, in this article, we discuss the 8 essential factors that most likely affect your computer speed. Also, note that your computer speed doesn’t depend solely on any one of them but on all of them collectively. These Factors Affect Computer Speed: #1 Processor Speed and Instruction Set The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of your computer and of course, the processor speed definitely matters. The speed of your CPU or processor determines how fast computers process instructions. It is generally measured in MHz or GHz (megahertz or gigahertz). This rating actually represents the number of process cycles your CPU runs every second.  A 2.6 GHz processor represents a 2.6 billion cycles per second. But it doesn’t mean a 2.6 GHz processor is twice as fast as a 1.3 GHz processor, it boils down to the instruction set (architecture) of the processor. Where in which the 2.6 GHz processor may require more process cycles to execute its instructions than a 1.3 GHz processor. Generally, since the information of architecture isn’t revealed it is better to go for a processor with higher clock speeds. Examples of processor speeds and instruction sets: Processor Speeds: 133MHz,233MHz, 350MHz, 900 MHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.2 GHz. Instruction Sets: 8088, 286, 386SX, 386DX,486SX, 486DX, Pentium I,  Pentium MMX, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4 and so on. #2 Bus Width and Speeds The bus system is the communication system (a data path) that helps data transfer between the processor and the other components. Motherboard Chipset Guide: What Is and How Chipset Works This article will help you understand what a chipset actually means, How a chipset works and what role it plays in being a part of the motherboard Read More There are two such buses: The Internal Bus and The External Bus. The internal bus most commonly known as the Front Side Bus forms the network of connection between the CPU and internal components. And the external data bus connects the peripherals (external devices like printer, scanner) to the CPU. Examples of bus width and bus speeds: Bus Width: 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, and 64 bit. Bus Speed: 50 MHz, 66 MHz, 75 MHz, 100 MHz, 400 MHz and 800 MHz Bus widths may differ between the processor, memory, external slots and definitely brings in that difference to your computer speed. #3 The Cache Memory Cache memory is the extremely fast memory usually built into the CPU. It is similar to RAM but is more easily accessible than the normal RAM. It stores copies of frequently accessed memory locations thus reducing the time CPU takes in accessing the normal RAM. Does Deleting the Cache Really Speed Up Your PC? – Explained Often we worry about the speed of our computer and even try to take some serious measures to maintain and improve PC speed But can clearing Cache Actually Speed Up Your PC? Read More There may not be any cache memory in some processors and in some, it may range up to 2 MB. But the higher the cache memory the closer to the RAM it is. The Level 1(L1) is extremely fast and is very low in size, L2 is fast and bigger than L1; the L3 is a little slower and the biggest among the other levels. #4 Installing a new Operating System Moving onto the less technical and the software corner of stuff now; a new operating system in an old computer can slow it down. This is because the operating system takes times to adapt as it has got a huge list of files to load and make use of. Best Lightweight Linux Distributions For Old PCs And Processors These best lightweight Linux distributions offer countless advantages over other operating systems. Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, Lubuntu and the other Read More #5 Is your Hard Drive full? It is commonly observed that as the hard drive is filled with data the slower it gets. It is because now the operating system has to look for the required files amongst more number of files. Also, the effect of aging on the hard drive becomes apparent. The other way to look into this issue it the concept of fragmentation, due to which the workload of the operating system is immensely increased. However, the fact is the hard drive and hence your computer gets slower with age and usage. #6 The Start-Up Applications: Well, this last factor has got nothing to do with the manufacturers. Not even the best computers can perform up to the mark if there are a flood of start-up applications loading alongside the operating system. Though you set such applications to run at startup on purpose or unknowingly, they eat up your computer’s resources and make life difficult for the operating system (particularly while loading). 6 Point Cheat Sheet To Speed Up Your Slow Computer Is your laptop or desktop slow in processing something? Is it too slow to upload files or applications, then it’s time to speed up your slow computer follow Read More [...]
Tools To Remove Password From PDF File In Under 2 Minutes
Tools To Remove Password From PDF File In Under 2 MinutesSeptember 9, 2024PC Hacks / SoftwareHave you downloaded a PDF file with password? Do not worry, in this article we are going to show you how to easily remove password from PDF file with these simple tools. The PDF documents are one of the best ways that exist for the exchange of information, as it is one of the most widely used worldwide formats. However, this file sharing carries some problems associated with protecting them. One of the most common is to remove password from PDF . How to Change Admin Password by Batch Programming There are many amazing and simple tricks that help you to change admin password of any computer . We are going to show a simple trick by which you Read More But fortunately, there are a number of applications that allow us to solve the problem in less than a minute. These tools are known as “password removers”, that provides users a simple way to solve this inconvenience. These platforms allow us to skip the key protecting PDF files and then edit or print them. Here Are The Best Software To Remove Password From A PDF File : 1. Smallpdf : This Tool is very intuitive and allows you to unlock a PDF without a key in seconds. You only have to upload the document to the web and check the box for editing the file permissions. You can then download the file to your desktop, upload to Drive or DropBox. 2. Online2pdf : Online2pdf not only allows you to remove password of a PDF but you can also edit, merge or export the contents. Of course, each individual file can not be larger than 50 MB and all documents should not weigh more than 100 MB. At most, you can select 20 PDFs. With these previous data, all that remains is to upload the file where it says “Select Files”, set the options you want and click on “Convert”. How To Password Protect A Folder Simply Using Notepad Does your Computer has multiple users? Are you Worried concerning about the files or folder access?This is a very useful trick to Password protect a folder Read More 3. PDFUnlock As we indicated on the cover of PDF Unlock , this tool allows you to remove all restrictions from a protected PDF file . Just select your file from your computer, Drive or DropBox and click “Unlock”. Easy, right? [...]