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Easy Way To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG Picture
Easy Way To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG PictureDecember 20, 2024PC Hacks / SecurityAre you looking for a way to hide your files on your PC ? Then you are at the right place. There is no need to install extra software at all for hiding your files . Today we are going to teach you such small trick that will help you to hide your files inside a JPEG picture . To perform this trick you should have either WinRAR or WinZip installed on your computer. If you are ready, here we go. Steps To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG Picture : Step 1 : Create a folder : Firstly create a folder To hide your files . For Instance, I have created a folder with name OnlineCmag in my C drive ( i.e C:\OnlineCmag ) . Now send all your private files ( Files which you want to hide ) to the folder created . Also put an image in which you want to hide these files. Step 2 : Compress The Files : Now select all the files in the folder except the Picture . Then Right click on them and Select Add to ” OnlineCmag.rar ” Option. Step 3 : Open Command prompt : Open your command prompt and set the path to your private folder . To set the drive path use ” C : ” ( Replace C with the drive you have selected). To set the directory path type ” cd OnlineCmag ” (Replace OnlineCmag with your private folder name) .   Basic code : copy /b image_name.jpg + image_name.jpg copy /b logo.jpg + logo.jpg   Here logo is the name of the image ( Here you should use the name of your own image). You will get a response like ” 1 file(s) copied “. Done , Now the picture file will be updated with the compressed archive inside . How To Access The Hidden Files : =>Right Click on the JPEG picture and choose Open With and Now scroll down to ” WinRAR “. Share your views in form of comments…. [...]
How To Password Protect A Folder Using Notepad
How To Password Protect A Folder Using NotepadDecember 9, 2024Notepad Tricks / SecurityDoes your Computer has multiple users? Are you Worried concerning about the files or folder access ? If you want to protect your private folder from others , Then you are at a right place . This is a very useful trick to Password protect a folder . By usin this trick you can set a customized password for your folder . Steps to password protect a folder using notepad : Step 1 : Open Notepad : Right click on the desktop and select create a new text document option or just simply Open a Notepad. Step 2 : Copy And Paste : Copy-Paste the code given below to your notepad. cls @ECHO OFF title if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder :CONFIRM echo Do you want to lock this folder? (Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter the password to Unlock Your Folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%==onlinecmag goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDMyFolder md MyFolder echo MyFolder created successfully goto End :End Step 3 : Save It : Save that notepad file as ” OnlineCmag.bat ” ( .bat extension is must) . Step 4 : Double Click : Now double click on ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , Then a new folder will be created with name ” My Folder “. Step 5 : Store your data : Send all your files and data to this folder (which you want to hide or protect ) . Step 6 : Again Double click on the ” OnlineCmag.bat ” : Now double click on the ” OnlineCmag.bat ” , Then the command prompt will be displayed . Now  ” Type Y ” and press enter to lock the folder . Step 7 : How to access : Now The Folder will be hidden , to access that hidden Folder just double click on ” OnlineCmag.bat ” . Step 8 : Enter the password : Now you will be asked to enter the password. We have set the default password as ” onlinecmag ” . The hidden folder will now appear and you can access it.   Note : You can change password by replacing the ” onlinecmag ” in above code . Share your views in form of comments….. [...]
How To Detect Malware Infection On Your Computer
How To Detect Malware Infection On Your ComputerNovember 13, 2024PC Guides / SecurityEven the most intelligent people among us can become prey to phishing attacks, malware, and viruses. This isn’t any myth.!! Your computer or system may be affected by these malware or viruses without your knowledge. This could even happen even though both of your antivirus and firewall are active. Simply, the practice you can follow is to be conscious about the symptoms to ensure that your computer is secure. Today you are gonna learn about some basic symptoms to detect malware infection on your computer. If you are a newbie, you might want to understand what malware actually means. You can take a look at our article on Everything You Need To Know About Malware. In spite of some earlier experiences, there is always some new malware with which we end up fighting more than ever. Sometimes, simply every link we click launches up multiple new windows(browser), including a number of pop-ups that gives a confirmation that the computer is insecure. There isn’t anything new in that and anyone can be up against something of this type. =>Random pop-ups and serious antivirus messages ( Like you system has ran into a problem, click here to solve ) that try to mislead you to enter your credit card information to solve the problem. How Your Computer Is Infected Even When Antivirus Is Enabled In this article we explore what exactly the capabilities of antivirus software are and help you understand how antivirus software works. You can see how you are vulnerable inspite Read More These are the most common signs of an unsecured system or a hacked system. Mostly Hackers use your fright of viruses or malware to sell their fake antivirus solutions. Meanwhile, your authorized antivirus software may suddenly be stopped or disabled. =>Another significant sign of virus or malware is if you can’t download or install any antivirus software or other security software. even viruses or malware blocks all antivirus websites and may even prevent you from going online. The above-mentioned cases are the most common symptoms to detect malware infection in any system. Solution Of Above Problem: In such conditions , your best option is to shutdown your computer and restart it in a Safe Mode . You can switch to safe mode by entering boot tab or even simply holding down the ” F8 ”  key while your computer restarts. Then use a program like Malwarebytes Anti-malware saved on disc or USB to scan your computer and remove the viruses and malware. Other signs of an infection are more difficult to pin solely on viruses and other threats. For instance, if your programs become unresponsive or your computer slows down suddenly, it could be a malware causing the problems or may be other reasons, such as your computer running out of free memory or your hard drive being nearly full. Viruses or malware can also cause your computer to restart or crash on its own, but this could also happen if your computer is overheated. To be secured, keep your antivirus software updated (I recommend AVG ) and run a regular scan. You can also us Malwarebytes for extra assurance. An Easy Way To Make Your Own Antivirus – Ultimate Tech DIY Most of us use some famous antivirus like AVG, Avast etc. The main function of any of these antivirus software can be imitated by a simple trick. All you have to do is to Read More If nothing is found, you still have to troubleshoot and clean up your system by removing unwanted applications, but at least you will be sure that your computer is not infected. That itself is a worth of celebrating. Do write to us about your experiences in fighting against malware, let’s help people out there detect malware infection much effectively. [...]

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Easy Way To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG Picture
Easy Way To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG PictureDecember 20, 2024PC Hacks / SecurityAre you looking for a way to hide your files on your PC ? Then you are at the right place. There is no need to install extra software at all for hiding your files . Today we are going to teach you such small trick that will help you to hide your files inside a JPEG picture . To perform this trick you should have either WinRAR or WinZip installed on your computer. If you are ready, here we go. Steps To Hide Your Files Inside A JPEG Picture : Step 1 : Create a folder : Firstly create a folder To hide your files . For Instance, I have created a folder with name OnlineCmag in my C drive ( i.e C:\OnlineCmag ) . Now send all your private files ( Files which you want to hide ) to the folder created . Also put an image in which you want to hide these files. Step 2 : Compress The Files : Now select all the files in the folder except the Picture . Then Right click on them and Select Add to ” OnlineCmag.rar ” Option. Step 3 : Open Command prompt : Open your command prompt and set the path to your private folder . To set the drive path use ” C : ” ( Replace C with the drive you have selected). To set the directory path type ” cd OnlineCmag ” (Replace OnlineCmag with your private folder name) .   Basic code : copy /b image_name.jpg + image_name.jpg copy /b logo.jpg + logo.jpg   Here logo is the name of the image ( Here you should use the name of your own image). You will get a response like ” 1 file(s) copied “. Done , Now the picture file will be updated with the compressed archive inside . How To Access The Hidden Files : =>Right Click on the JPEG picture and choose Open With and Now scroll down to ” WinRAR “. Share your views in form of comments…. [...]
Easy way to Boost up your broadband speed (internet speed)
Easy way to Boost up your broadband speed (internet speed)December 19, 2024PC Hacks / System PerformanceMost of the internet users are now facing ” DNS server ” issues. The main cause for these type of server issues is that most of the service providers have ” DNS servers ” which are just not responsive. Today we gonna discuss an easy way to increase broadband speed (internet speed). Steps To Increase Broadband speed (internet speed): Step 1: Open ” networks and sharing center ” in your desktop . =>Go To Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network and Sharing Center . Step 2: Under the ” view your active networks ” , select your internet connection (example : photon plus, Local area connection) . Step 3: Now a status box will be displayed. Click on the properties.   Step 4: Now a properties box will be displayed. Move on to ” networking section ” and double click on the ” Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ” .   Step 5: Select ” Use The Following DNS Server Addresses ” . Step 6: Use ” ” as your Preferred DNS Server And ” ” as your Alternate DNS Server.   Step  7:  Click OK  and know you can see an increase in your broadband speed (internet speed). Note: Do not forget to save your previous settings so that in case the new ” DNS servers ” do not work you can always change them to the previous settings. [...]
Make your own Text Audio Converter Without Any Software
Make your own Text Audio Converter Without Any SoftwareDecember 18, 2024Notepad Tricks / PC HacksToday we gonna learn an awesome trick Which lets you to Convert Any Text file to Audio Mp3 Without using any Software.  Using this Trick you can Make your own Text Audio Converter Without using any third party software. Steps To Create A Text Audio Converter : Step 1: Open Notepad : Click on your Start menu and Navigate to All Programs=>Accessories =>Notepad. You can even Do it by typing notepad in Run dialog box. Step 2 : Copy-Paste : Copy and paste the below given code into your Notepad. Dim msg, sapi msg=InputBox("Enter The Text To Be Converted- ","") Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") sapi.Speak msg Step 3 : Save It : Go to the File Menu and select the ” Save As ” option . Save the file with a ” .vbs ” Extension i.e as ” OnlineCmag.vbs ” . Select the File type as ” All Files ” and Encoding as ” ANSI ” .  Step 4 : Execute the File : Now Open The Saved File and You will see a text to audio converter Dialog box. Step 5 : Done : Type the text which you want to convert as audio, and then press OK. That’s it , Now you can hear the text which you have typed. The text will be converted into audio . Share Your Views In Form Of Comments… [...]