How to open port 25 and send e-mails
Web Guides

Open Port 25 To Fix The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ) Problem

The Port 25 is the port used to send emails. Ports can be opened or closed on your computer for security reasons. If port 25 is closed on your computer, you can not send emails. So if you are having any problem in sending e-mails , Then you need to open port 25 .

Steps To Open Port 25 :

Step 1: Open Control Panel :

Open Port 25 ?

Click on Start button and select Control Panel. Now Move on to ” System and Security Section ” and click on ” Windows Firewall ” option. Now click on the ” Advanced Settings ” which is located in the right side of the page.

Open Port 25 ?

Open Port 25 ?

Step 2 : Inbound Rules :

Now Right-Click On The ” Inbound Rules ” ( located on the left sidebar ) and Select ” New Rule ” Option .

Open Port 25 ?

Step 3 : Select The Port Option :

Mark the radio button next to the ” Port option ” in the window titled ” Types of Rules “. Now Click Next.

Open Port 25 ?

Step 4 : TCP And Specific Local Ports :

Select the ” TCP ” and ” Specific Local Ports ” options. Enter the port number 25 in the given text box and click Next.

Open Port 25 ?

Step 5 : Select The Action :

Select the action that the network must take when a program attempts to access the port 25. Select ” Allow the connection if it is secure ” option to allow only authentic connections. Click Next.

Open Port 25 ?

Step 6 : Select The Type Of Connection :

Check the boxes of the types of connections you want to have access to port 25. Domain , Private or Public are activated by default. Disables the boxes if you want and then click Next.

Open Port 25 ?

Step 7 : Assign A Name :

Enter a name for the rule. It can be something as Open Port 25 . Type the name into text box labeled Name . Now you can find this new rule in the list of Inbound Rules. Click the Finish button.

Tips :

  • To test if port 25 is open or closed, click the Start button and type ‘ ipconfig ‘. Now type ‘ telnet 25 ‘ and replace the area of the domain name by your Internet service provider and press Enter. If port 25 is closed, you will see a connection error.
  • Many Internet service providers block port 25 and send emails on the other port. That can add greater security. Generally spam emails are sent in bulk to port 25. To combat this , Many service providers blocked access to port 25.

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