5 top pc building myths busted
PC Guides

5 PC Building Myths Stopping You – Busted In Simple Words

Smartphones to PCs, all technology we use today is surrounded by irrational myths, which never seem to go away. Building your own PC is one such topic long smeared by numerous myths. Due to this widespread misinformation, people opt out of building one’s own PC (that they can) and prefer buying PCs from a retailer and dishing out extra money.

Through this article, we wish to empower readers like you to bust such myths and assemble your own PC with confidence under an hour. You don’t exactly need to be an engineer to build your own PC, instead, once you complete this read you can understand how surprisingly simple it is. Let’s get busting the 5 top PC building myths.

PC Building Myths You Need To Bust Right Now

1. “You Might Break Something”

There are several online resources that guide through the process of assembling your PC. Yet, this idea continues to overtax many with fear of breaking something. Indeed the motherboard may appear to be little complicated at the first glance. But if you have already gone through our article on how Motherboards work you can understand why we say it’s completely durable.

Though these parts are not unbreakably strong, it isn’t easy to break them apart. So, there’s absolutely no reason to panic about this aspect.

However, Electrostatic Discharge is something you need to be careful about while handling components. To make sure you are on the safer side, make sure you are always grounding yourself. It can be as simple as placing your hand on another conductive surface and not wearing pajamas that aren’t 100% dry.

Assembling your own PC is not as complicated as it seems. You’ll understand as you complete building one. If you are still bothered you can buy an antistatic wrist strap to completely be on the safer side.

2. “It’s Too Complicated”

This is a phrase we humans get stuck with quite a lot in our lives in various. But remember, until you try it you are never going to realize how easy it is.

Also, building a PC from scratch is persistently getting easier with time. Now that we are at the end of 2016, most motherboards and processors in the market come with many inbuilt features. Apart from these, the RAM modules and hard drive are among the few components you need to add separately.

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Other advantage is that you have YouTube with you all along. Earlier the only source of reliance is the Manual that comes along with the components. Now that many of these components are being built to me more compatible to multiple vendors, any YouTube video taking you through the process will be a perfect guide.

3. “Selecting Compatible Parts Is Tiresome”

Undoubtedly this step is the most crucial one but that doesn’t mean it is out of your wit. At least it won’t be from now. Compatibility matters the most. You surely can’t go with an AMD processor on an Intel Motherboard.

Don’t worry; if this myth was ever true it could have been years behind from now. This process is now straightforward with ultimate tools like PCPartpicker. This website is specifically designed to help people know before buying the compatibility of various components with one another. Even with minimal PC components knowledge you can pick perfectly compatible products or browse all the products currently available in the market under one roof.

There are also several build guides you can go through. The other sections like completed builds, user reviews, price trends will give you all the vital information you need before picking the suitable and compatible parts within your budget.

4. “You Need A ‘Special’ Tool Kit”

Desktop PCs are designed similar to any other electronic products we have at home. All you need is a magnetic tip screwdriver and a flashlight, that’s it no special tool kit is required. The only other tool you’ll ever need is the antistatic wrist strap we mentioned about earlier, that too if are not quite sure about how to ground yourself.

Once you have completed your first build you’ll understand how grounding exactly works and might go in without the antistatic wrist strap. But it is better if you use one for the first time, it’s more secure that way.

The true purpose of these tools is not to convince you to buy equipment you don’t need, instead, we wish to empower you to explore a fun process with zero risk.

5. “Building PC Is Too Expensive”

Either you find people who feel building a PC from scratch is the cheapest option or ones that believe it’s utterly expensive. Disclaimer, after reading this part you’ll have a point that stands out from both these opinions.

Firstly, you save all the costs of assembly by building a budget PC for gaming or video editing. But if you are a basic user, there’s no point in doing so.

In the current market, you can find Dell PCs that serves basic users quite well costing not more than $10-$20 above the sum of individual components cost with all the OEMs warranty. So, for a basic user, this route isn’t always advisable. However, if you are in a mood for DIYing there’s nothing stopping you from exploring more about your PC from the inside and saving those bucks.

Whereas on the other hand, if you are a hardcore user, you get to customize each and every component saving you a lot of money and power consumption in the process and building the ultimate PC for your needs.

The purpose of this article is to bust all myths stopping you from building your dream PC. Now that you have understood the reality coveted by these myths, go ahead and crack open your old PC and upgrade it today.

Have you already built your own PC before? Do you know of any other myths daunting people to try this path? Did we get any of these myths wrong? Do share with us in the comments section below.

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