How To Create Your Own Business Website With Wordpress

How To Create A Business Website Using WordPress

Creating a Web page has become one of the main needs of any business or company. In addition, many people also want to use the Internet for a hobby, to start a business, a blog or any other site.

To create a Web page there are many options like free platforms, content management (CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal), with pure code, hire a programmer or any other available ways.

If you’re looking to create a simple, modern website with a great design and is easy to administer, WordPress is undoubtedly the best choice.

How To Create A Business Website Using WordPress

Steps to Make a Website with WordPress (.org)

Although it began as a platform 100% focused on creating blogs, versatility and the fact that it is open source means that they can create themes and plugins that help modify the structure so that it can create any type of website.

Below I present the steps to create a Web page with WordPress:

1. Purchase a domain name and hire a Web hosting service

These are the two basic ingredients that form the recipe of any Web page in WordPress. A domain allows you to have a unique identification on the Web, while hosting will accommodate all the information and files from your site to be accessible to the millions of Internet users worldwide. Here is a guide on how to choose a perfect domain name.


For Domain – Godaddy or Namecheap

For Hosting – Hostgator

Without these two elements, it is not possible to create the Web page.

2. Install WordPress on your domain

Once you have your domain and web hosting, it is time to install WordPress through one of the most popular software’s that can greatly facilitate the entire process and configuration.

Check the following tutorial to learn: How to Install WordPress on a domain

3. Identify and define the type of Web page that you want to create

There are many types of the Web page. It can be a corporate, a business, a sales letter, a virtual store, a capture page or any other. The first step after installing WordPress is to define what type of website you need to later find topics and compatible plugins.

The first step after installing WordPress is to define what type of website you need to later find topics and compatible plugins.

4. Looking for a theme that matches what you need

One of the most important advantages of WordPress is that there are a variety of designs and themes for every need. And if it requires something more advanced, you can be modified by code. Here is a guide to choose the best theme for WordPress.

The next step after identifying the type of Web page that you are going to create is to search templates (or themes). You will have two options:

  1. A free theme
  2. A premium theme

The premium involves making a small investment, which in my opinion is very much worth. These themes offer many more design options, personalization, and security.

These are the some of the main websites that sale you the premium themes:

  1. StudioPress
  2. Woothemes
  3. ThemeForest

In these three sites you can find many choices of different styles to help you create the Web page you want and also with excellent design.

Choose a theme, buy it and install it.

But I want a free theme!

It’s very good. If you do not have the money right now to buy a premium or do not want to make the investment issue, you can use free themes. It’s not what most recommend you, but it is also a valid option.

I invite you to browse the directory of WordPress themes by clicking here.

There you will find many options. You can also search on Google.

5. Make the settings of your theme and plugins

Once installed your theme, or done with main configuration options and made the necessary modifications as inserting a logo, colors, background, etc.

Also See: Ultimate Guide To Search Engine Optimization Of WordPress Blog

WordPress SEO – Ultimate Guide To Search Engine Optimization Of WordPress Blog

WordPress is easy to install no doubt about it, but before you begin to write, it is important to consider one great aspect i.e WordPress SEO (Search Engine

Read More

It is also important to install essential plugins for your site to have a good performance. Those who can not miss are related to security, SEO, loading speed and design.

6. Create content

You already have the basis of your website with WordPress, your theme and plugins. Now it’s time to add the content! Chances are that your home page (or homepage) will not be the entries of a blog, rather, a special custom page.

Click Pages> Add New . Give it a title like “home page” and add all relevant content.

Then, make this page as your home page that appears when you visit your site, by changing the home URL in reading section (Settings> Reading).

If a blog will not be your main strategy it is likely to need to make this adjustment.

7. Create the essential pages

No matter what is the main theme of your website, you’ll need to create some “universal” pages that apply in all cases. For example:

  1. Contact
  2. About or Who are we?
  3. Frequent questions
  4. Privacy policies

Create these pages and add them to a menu so that they are visible to users.

8. Training and Optimization

Remember to always be in constant training and optimization to improve all aspects of your site. WordPress is a platform that is always improving with new versions, plus it can always be better options in terms of themes and plugins.

Gradually learn more about the platform and all the options offered.

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