How To Choose A Perfect Domain Name For Your Website Or Blog

How To Choose A Perfect Domain Name For Your Website Or Blog

One of the most important and necessary components to create a Web page or a blog in WordPress is to buy a domain. The buying process is quick can be done in a few minutes, but it takes more time and effort to choose the ideal domain name for your website.

The name you choose is important because it is largely the identity that you’ll give to your site, as a brand that your visitors will be identifying you.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to choose a good domain that suits your needs and allow you to meet the objectives of your blog or page. You may also know about the Basic Components To Create A Blog With WordPress in my previous article.

Let’s see the different types of domains that you can buy:

Domain Types

Personal – These are the domains that consist of the name of the person who created the Web page. They work great for personal blogs, where freelancers pages show their work and skills or who focus all their activity on their own individual or personal brand.

Keywords – Domains that include keywords are good because they help to position themselves better in search engines. While having one of these domains is an advantage in positioning, it is not so decisive.

Many domains with keywords are already taken in most niches and if you want to buy one you will most likely have to pay a lot of money.


Still, there may be good domains with keywords and different variations in different market niches.

Name – These are the domains bearing the name of a business, company or brand. They work very well for people who have their main activity in the world “offline” and want to be on the Internet. Ideal for restaurants, shops or new adventures of e-commerce.

Also they work very well for our products or projects to be developed in the Web.

Domain branding or brand – This is used when you want to create a Web page with a new or original name.Many people prefer this option instead of using keywords in your domain.

The “exact match domains” or domains with keywords (accurate or not) usually have a little advantage over position, but this factor has been taken increasingly into account by Google to determine the top positions.

If you decide to buy a domain with a unique and original name, you can also position if you do a good SEO strategy.


How do you know which one to choose?

The first step to in knowing what kind of domain must be chosen is that it should satisfy your primary need. If you’re creating a personal blog where you want to publicize your work, a domain with your name is the best choice; on the other hand, if you’re creating a page a new e-Book that you wrote, it is best that the domain is the name of the book.

If you’re creating a personal blog where you want to publicize your work, a domain with your name is the best choice; on the other hand, if you’re creating a page a new e-Book that you wrote, it is best that the domain is the name of the book.

Also See: How To Create A Business Website Using WordPress

It all depends on what you need. Maybe you can choose more than one type of domain; in these cases, your goals and evaluates make the best decision. Remember that once you buy a domain, you can not change, just buy another and migrate your entire site, which is very tedious, long and complicated.

Remember that once you buy a domain, you can not change, just buy another and migrate your entire site, which is very tedious, long and complicated.

Tip: There is no hurry, take your time to choose your domain name. It is a very important decision that should not be taken lightly.

Essential Tips for Choosing a Domain Name

Branding and keywords

It is important to find a balance between branding and keywords in a domain. As we saw, you can choose a domain that includes keywords for a better SEO positioning, but little will serve if the name ends up being long, difficult to remember without much originality.

For example, if you choose a domain name “” could be good because it includes keywords, but in a matter of branding, few would remember ‘weight loss’ and nothing more than that.

Try your domain is short, easy to remember and with attractive words. Google is the best example. The name has nothing to do with search engines or services it offers, however, they are the company’s that are most popular on the Internet and dominating the industry of search engines.

Remember, keywords help but are neither necessary nor much less.

Avoid accents and repeated letters

Although there are some websites with domains including accents that are very successful, it is more complicated than people identify and remember them. It is best to avoid using it unless you see it absolutely necessary.

It should also not contain repeated letters which may lead to confusion.


Do not use words, marks or known phrases

If your domain has a word of any product, brand or registered phrase that is being used by another person or company, you might get into legal trouble at all pleasant. Avoid this and choose a unique name that is not related to something that already exists.

Domain extension

It is best that your domain is the .COM, as it is the best known and the first – users type in their browsers. If .COM is not available then try .NET. or .ORG Can be used but it is better when it is an organization.

Although more and more extensions out, the .COM is still the most recognized and recommended for your blog or website extension.

Does using numbers?

Try not to use numbers in your domain. As in all cases, there are exceptions that domains with numbers also have traffic and good positioning, but it is best not to include them.

In short, the ideal is a .COM domain that suits your needs and goals. Additionally, it is easy to remember, short and most importantly: You will like!

But remember: all sites are different and every person is different. For someone works for something and someone else can work something totally different. Apply these tips and adapt them to your preferences and ways of working.

Register your domain Name

There are many sites that offer domain name registration service. The most recommend you are:

  1. godaddy
  2. Namecheap

Both are reliable, offer good prices (and coupons), quick registration and good service.

Since you have your domain, remember that you also need a Web hosting service.

After that, you can install WordPress and start creating your blog or website! I invite you to continue visiting for more articles on WordPress.

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