Here's How You Can Make 2015 As " The Year Of Security "

5 Ways You Can Make 2015 ‘The Year of Security’

2014 left us with the idea of being ” The Year of Hack ” with major organizations reporting cyber attacks, thus for the year 2015 to be ” The Year of Security “, here are five trends that security managers should consider this year.

Here's How You Can Make 2015 As " The Year Of Security "

The Year Of Security:

1. Cyber Crime And “Hacktivism” :

Criminals, activists and terrorists are increasingly turning to the Internet to make money, attention, or maliciously affect the operations of a company. According to Steve Durbin, Director of Internet Security Forum, cyber criminals are showing a greater degree of collaboration and technical capacity, which caught the attention of many large organizations.

This year all the organizations ought to be prepared for the unexpected and unthinkable or might simply succumb to attacks from the wild web. Working with a cloud service provider however,could simplify the various disaster recovery plans testing and implementation processes to ensure data is always protected and accessible at any instant.

2. Privacy And Regulation :

In 2014, the Office for Civil Rights USA imposed heavy fines on organizations that failed to safeguard and encrypt information of citizens that are stored electronically. This type of data or any related privacy of individuals are becoming more accessible to professionals who need to review them, but at the same time, the regulations concerning the collection, storage and use of these should be clarified.

Organizations must align with service providers who can not only offer supported cloud that can safeguard such information services, but also help them achieve and maintain a vision as security.

3. Threats Of Third Party Providers :

Organizations often rely on valuable and sensitive data from reputable suppliers. However, when this data is shared, there is a greater possibility that the data could be compromised. The cyber attack which targeted MultiStore is just one example for this. Wherein, hackers infiltrated this target by a web service application that is used by provider company to submit invoices.

Executives from all organizations should collaborate with experts in information security to specify ” what ” in the various scenarios in which critical business data can be accidentally or intentionally shared by others. Companies that have their data stored in the cloud should review security plans and disaster recovery with the providers and their SLAs to ensure they have proactive measures to increase their resilience to potential security breaches and hacks.

4. Personal Devices At Work :

The fact that employees use their own devices for work and personals, can lead to the risk that the devices are lost or stolen, besides the danger of illegal downloading of security updates, patches and reliable business applications.

Organizations that have this type of a policy or plan to deploy one must also consider the benefits of the desktops in the cloud. With such a solution, desktops end users can operate safely from an external Data Center and access data through a traditional PC or laptop. Thus, critical business data and applications remain safe while employees have access to them through any device they choose.

5. Employee Engagement :

The employees of an organization can be your greatest asset in implementing proactive security measures. For years, companies have spent millions of dollars on the formation of “security awareness” for their teams. In the future, they must promote policies that encourage their employees to take simple steps to help maintain a secure environment.This may include measures such as creating strong passwords, protecting their mobile devices like pros and the use of two-factor authentication devices as key encrypted.

Are virtual hosting and cyber security on your list of priorities for 2015? The security hosting with cloud solutions helps organizations to proactively address potential vulnerabilities, protecting critical business information. Remember to contact your service provider to have advice on what you require for your specific needs.


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