For many it’s quite a relief, finally, the old status feature of WhatsApp is back. The biggest messaging service company has rolled back the old “lifelong” text status after the new live status feature didn’t get the expected response. However, the Whatsapp old status was never completely disabled but remained hidden in the app. The old status has returned to WhatsApp and is now given the name – ‘About’. In this new section, users will be able to write text status or phrases much like what everyone used to do previously.
Thanks to Whatsapp for listening to its users and regaining back the trust of users who felt betrayed with the new update. If you wish to know how to simply put back your status as “no calls WhatsApp only” or “busy” in WhatsAapp, just follow these simple steps.
How To Get Whatsapp Old Status Back – Right Now!
While the old status will return to all mobile platforms in the coming updates. But if you want to stay ahead of the rest of the world and bring the Whatsapp old status back to life, all you have to do is head to the Whatsapp beta program in Google Play. Accept yourself as a Whatsapp beta tester.
Within just a few minutes you will receive an update to the application. After you are done with updating, you will have your previous text status again.You can also view the text status of all your contacts.
How To Enter Your Status:
To change your status all you have to do is go to Menu > Settings and then click on your profile (photo and name). In this “Profile” section you will see the new section titled as “About and Phone number“. Now, to change your status, you have to click on this text and enter the text you want.
How To Set Status Privacy:
This new update also enables you to set your privacy preferences. For this, head to Menu > Settings > Account > Privacy > Status and here we can select who can see our status, either, everyone, or only your contacts or nobody.
How To View Other Users Status:
These text statuses will appear like earlier in our contact list, under the contact names. You can also see your status on the contact’s tab in the “Info and phone number” section beside which the date when status was set will be displayed.
For those of you who are starting to fall in love with the new live status, we have got good news for you too. Bringing back the old text status does not mean the new one will be gone, both will coexist.
But, if you are not subscribed to the beta program, you will have to wait till Whatsapp officially launches this update. For all those tech enthusiasts who can’t wait, I suggest you get subscribed to the Whatsapp Beta Program right now.