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Windows 10 Anniversary Update confirmed for 2 August - Free upgrade ends 29 July
Tech News

Windows 10 Anniversary Update: Confirmed for 2 August [Free upgrade ends 29 July]

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Windows 10 Anniversary Update confirmed for 2 August - Free upgrade ends 29 July

From the day it was announced, Windows 10 is offered as a free upgrade for users of Windows 7 and Windows 8, but it was an offer with an expiration date. And that expiration date is near, as Microsoft reminds us now with a huge countdown clock installed on their website.

The clock in Microsoft page is dedicated to companies, but the date also applies to individuals. Starting next July 30 , just a year after the operating system was launched officially, the update will no longer be free and will cost $ 119 (about € 106).

At first glance it might seem strange that people remain without upgrading to Windows 10, given the insistence with which Microsoft has encouraged, as it somehow its users to upgrade. Last March, for example, some Reddit users complained that their computers had been upgraded to Windows 10 automatically without user permission; more recently we echoed a new Microsoft campaign, with ads full screen interrupting your work to redecorate the update.

This insistence Microsoft has also resulted in unlikely situations , such as update notice to Windows 10 that you went to a meteorologist in full weather forecast live, or demand that made Microsoft the owner of a travel agency, for economic losses that led to its business automatic upgrade to Windows 10 (and why Microsoft was forced to compensate with $ 10,000).

The truth is that although at first Microsoft seemed worried by the slow pace of adoption of its new operating system (which perhaps led to such extreme measures), today Windows 10 has already more than 23% share market , more than double that Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 together, although still far from Windows 7.
In any case, if you really interested in the new Microsoft operating system for free , it’s time that you hurry and you upgrade before the deadline, the July 30 ends. In addition, a few days after the expected exit Anniversary Update , with a few changes and interesting improvements .

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