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Everything You Need To Know About Microsoft Creators Update Coming In 2017

The recent Microsoft Conference it was not all about hardware. Microsoft Creators Update is the new update of Windows 10 after the Anniversary Update.

There is no doubt that development of Windows 10 continues, and will for a long time. Microsoft’s new scheme is launching new updates often, thereby, gradually improving the system.

The first such update was code-named “Redstone” and was published late last year. The second was the Anniversary Update published this year on the anniversary of Windows 10.

What’s New in Windows 10 update

This new update called “Creators Update“, brings minor but very useful developments for some users, and above all for creators.

This new update will be available for free in early 2017 for all users of Windows 10.

Microsoft Creators Update is based on three aspects:

  • The mixed reality becomes important, with the growth of virtual reality and augmented reality.
  • Players can share their games with everyone.
  • Connectivity will be increased.

The first point has to do with the way presentation of information has changed. We have moved from 2D to 3D, so Windows will adapt to the times.

The transition to three dimensions

With Creators Update, “3D is for everyone,” says Microsoft. But what does this mean?

It means appealing to a new generation of creators who don’t just use lines of code to develop, but build three – dimensional interfaces. Accessibility receives a boost, especially for the younger ones.

The creation process should be as easy as taking a picture. For example, if we want to capture a sandcastle that we have created, we can use the 3D tool capture of Windows to scan the object and send it to our friends or family.

microsoft creators update coming soon

Although a mobile was used in the show, it will also be available on all Windows devices.

Paint 3D allows us new creations using three-dimensional objects. For example, we can take a photograph of some people, and add a three dimensional object. Surprisingly, you can export Minecraft creations for use in Paint 3D, and even print them in 3D. is a website where we can share and download 3D models

Paint 3D is compatible with the Pencil Surface to create objects. Using this tool you can easily modify and customize objects. And when we’re done, we can easily share on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. Of course, Edge will be able to display that 3D content.

microsoft creators update coming soon

It is not only this application that will gain the power of 3D. Other Microsoft apps will also be compatible with this technology. In the demo it was shown how PowerPoint lets you include 3D objects and animations, by simply moving the object.

Edge now supports Hololens, to display web content holograms. We can see the content we’ve created with 3D Paint and we can upload to the web using Remix3D

It was also shown that any website can take advantage of this technology. A web store, for example, can allow us to see the object that we buy. If we want a chair, we can move the 3D object and see if it fits with the decor of our home or if it fits in the living room.

microsoft creators update coming soon

In Windows 10 we can actually use our device to get our own “virtual space”. It’s like the Windows desktop, but allows access to applications in three dimensional space. For example, we can look to the side and watch a video we’ve uploaded. We can look away and open Paint 3D to continue creating. And we can also see 3D content.

HP, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, Acer are developing devices with six degrees of motion, from $ 299. They do not need their own room and are compatible with Windows 10 technologies.

microsoft creators update coming soon

Video games in Windows

Microsoft has finally realized the importance of games in Windows 10. Whether in eSports or sharing videos of Minecraft, underneath all of them, there is a Windows installation. We can not forget about the Xbox One S, a Windows 10 device.

For Creators Update, Windows 10 has three new features. Broadcast streaming video games segment is dominated by Twitch and YouTube, but Microsoft also wants to take part in this race. With Windows 10, everyone can enjoy live streaming. We just need to press Win + G, and the games bar opens. Then hit the record button, and automatically start streaming.

Whether on a computer, an Xbox One or a smartphone, we can participate in this streaming. Those who participate in streaming can also play with us, creating custom tournaments on Xbox Live and Xbox app. Arena is the part that will handle this.

microsoft creators update coming soon

We just have to choose the game and a window where you can configure the tournament, the players, the game type, or even the date and time it starts.

The best-selling console in the last three months in the US, Xbox One S had its role to play. Thanks to games that we buy in Xbox S, we can play them on PC, and vice versa. With the Creators Update, the Xbox One S will gain support of Dolby Atmos to further improve the sound in movies and games.

Connectivity with family, friends and colleagues in Windows 10

Finally, Microsoft has taken some serious steps in improving connectivity. Specifically connectivity with others. Sharing on Windows 10 will be faster and easier than ever. All you have to do is drag the file directly to the avatar of the person you want to send to, appearing in the task bar itself. We may also be able to share directly from an app by pressing the appropriate button.

The Creators Update attends various aspects in making a connected experience. Mail and Skype will merge into a single application. Xbox Live and other Microsoft apps will be a part of a central app. From this app you can choose the app you want and communicate transparently

The Creators Update also allow us to share our feelings directly from the desktop. We just have to hover over the avatar of the person you want, and see the recipient as emoji.

microsoft creators update coming soon

The Microsoft Creators Update is now available on Windows Insider, but if you do not want to use unstable software, you will have to wait until early 2017.

The other eye-catching events in the Microsoft Conference:

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